Chronic Disease
The area of chronic disease, pain and illness due to poor mental health is at the forefront of the type of illness which we are now resolving by the application of the HMT. “The Screen” which was developed by Matt Hudson and is unique to him, can help people in as little as one session. This seems unbelievable, and yet when you accept the theory of the screen, and its effect on the Brain, as Hudson Mind Theory practitioners do, it becomes very clear how this can occur. This unconscious response activated by an Emotional Memory Image (EMI) on the screen can ultimately cause a response in the amygdala in the brain. This response causes an imbalance in the chemicals and hormones within the system.
Image by Matt Hudson
We believe, it is possible, even probable that the Brain is influenced by the EMI on the screen which results in the imbalance of chemicals eventually leading to disease. We believe this screen is where the mind lives, until now no one can determine scientifically exactly where “The Mind” is! This theory is further validated by Dirk De Meijer
When we interrupt this unconscious response through the methods taught by Hudson, the amygdala no longer fires and is inactive. This means we are no longer creating excess chemicals which previously caused that stress response. This “Screen” interruption is permanent, and most clients report that immediately they have the feeling of being lighter being able to breathe easier, in fact a regular occurrence is that directly after the intervention the client takes a deep breath, this we believe is when the amygdala response shuts down and the system begins to return to normal, they feel like a weight has been lifted off them and that they can breathe more easily. They are unable to access their previous discomfort, anxiety or pain. This intervention has been used by many practitioners who all report the same response and recovery day after day.
Conditions I have encountered:
- Depression
- Burnout
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Panic attacks
- Fibromyalgia
- ME
- Whiplash
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Migraines
- Hay fever
- Sports Injuries
- Digestive problems
- Skin conditions
- Menopause symptoms, and chronic disease in all its formats.
- Knee Pain and much more….
Our interpretation and utilisation of the screen can be correlated in where the author explains, Brodmann’s area 19 in the visual cortex of the brain remains active after a person has seen or witnessed a trauma. This validates Hudson’s Screen theory that the client is still unconsciously seeing something, (EMI) otherwise there is no explanation for Brodmann’s area 19 to stay active as has been verified on imaging. My hope is, that in the future we will be presented the chance to validate this theory by using imaging before and after the intervention taught within the HMP© on clients presenting with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD). For now, this validation lies within the testimonials from real clients.
You might find these animations help you to understand my personal view of how the mind works: